Boris Stoilov
FMC, Bulgaria
Title: Retrospective multicentric study on the effect of screening and prevention of PE in Bulgaria
Biography: Boris Stoilov
This is retrospective study lead in three medical centers in Bulgaria for the last 2 years on the effect of the screening and prevention of pre-eclampsia. The research was performing base on the FMF algorithm for screening of pre-eclampsia–demografic details, medical history, MAP (Mean Arterial Blood pressure), mean uterine arteri pulsative index, biochemistry (PlGF). We have performed the screening method on singleton pregnant women at the time of first trimester scan from 11+0 till 13+6 gestational weeks. The cut off that we used is 1 in 150. For all woman with risk greater than 1:150 we have started Aspirin 150 mg at the time of the results but no latter than before 16 weeks and discontinued it at 36 completed weeks. Expected results are reduction of early PE or reduction of the severity of it. Additional expected effects are screening for IUGR, reducing the admission or reducing the stay in ICU for both mother and newborn.